Resources from our friends at USDA in Washington.
Of particular note: the FCC is seeking help to correct broadband maps; there are several opportunities related to rural communities – workforce and housing, especially.
Happy holidays!!
From: Agans, Suzette - RD, Washington, DC []
Sent: Thursday, December 20, 2012 11:33 AM
Subject: Publications, Tools, Learning, and Funding
Wireline Competition Bureau Seeks Comment of Areas Shown as Unserved on the National Broadband Map for Connect America Phase 1
Dec 12, 2012 -- The Federal Communications Commission is asking for help in correcting a map showing where broadband is and isn't. In particular, the Bureau seeks comment on areas where coverage is either overstated (i.e., by omission of unserved census blocks from the list) or understated (i.e., census blocks are listed as unserved when they are in fact served).
Census Bureau Releases New Quarterly Workforce Indicators Data
The U.S. Census Bureau announced the release of newly available data in the Quarterly Workforce Indicators (QWI), a product of the U.S. Census Bureau’s Longitudinal Employer Household Dynamics (LEHD) program. The report includes new information on firm age and size from the Business Dynamics Statistics microdata. While the importance of young businesses to job creation and productivity growth is increasingly well understood, relatively little is known about the characteristics of the jobs generated by startups. This report uses newly created data from the QWI to shed light on characteristics of jobs at young businesses, focusing on hiring, turnover, and wages at young firms. Click here to view the full report.
Census Bureau Releases 2010 Census American Indian and Alaska Native Summary File - The 2010 Census American Indian and Alaska Native Summary File is available for states, counties, county subdivisions, places, census tracts, ZIP Code tabulation areas, congressional districts for the 111th Congress, metropolitan areas, American Indian and Alaska Native areas, tribal subdivisions and Hawaiian home lands. To preserve confidentiality, only geographic entities with a population of at least 100 for the specified group are available in the summary file.
This summary file provides statistics for the largest number of American Indian and Alaska Native groups of any Census Bureau data product. For the first time, the summary file includes detailed information on individual Central American, South American and Mexican American indigenous groups. The summary file provides statistics such as age, sex, household relationship and homeownership for more than 1,500 groups that include American Indian and Alaska Native tribal groupings, specific American Indian tribes and specific Alaska Native villages, with a population of at least 100 at the national level.
Accessing the Information
The 2010 Census American Indian and Alaska Native Summary File tables can be found on the Census Bureau’s American FactFinder website by using the “Topics” filter to select the dataset “2010 American Indian and Alaska Native SF.” Next, use the “Race and Ethnic Groups” filter to select the American Indian and Alaska Native tribal groupings, specific American Indian tribes, or specific Alaska Native villages of interest. While a variety of tables will be available, a good place to start is the Profile of General Population and Housing Characteristics, which shows a summary of characteristics for one geographic area at a time.
A summary file version of the information is also available for users who want to download the set of detailed tables for all geographies and run their own analysis and rankings. The summary file contains two parts: a file with the geographic headers (in fixed-length ASCII format) and a file with the statistical information (in comma-separated ASCII format). The summary file is available for download on the FTP site.
Rural America At A Glance, 2012 Edition - This update in the annual series focuses on U.S. recovery from the 2007-09 recession, with recovery slower in nonmetro than in metro areas. As of July 2012, nonmetro employment, e.g., remained more than 3 percent below its 2007 peak.
USDA Organic sales tops $3.5 billion. WI has most organic acreage
National Transportation Statistics, 2012 (9MB file)- Reports on various transportation statistics including the state of rural road and bridge conditions. Organization: U.S. Department of Transportation. Date: 2012
With poor 2012 harvest, U.S. corn exports continue to slip
The United States is the world’s largest corn exporter, but U.S. corn exports have generally been declining since 2007. Lower U.S. corn production in the last few years and greater use of U.S. corn for ethanol production have contributed to the smaller exportable surpluses, while higher world prices have encouraged foreign exporters to grow more corn for export. For marketing year 2012/13, the drought-reduced corn harvest is expected to further reduce U.S. corn exports to 1.2 billion bushels, the lowest since 1974/75. Domestic feed and residual use of corn is also expected to fall in 2012/13 as livestock and poultry producers respond to higher feed prices by feeding fewer animals for shorter periods. U.S. corn use for ethanol is expected to decline about 10 percent to 4.5 billion bushels as supplies tighten, prices rise, and U.S. motor fuel use declines. In spite of the decline, the share of U.S. corn used to produce ethanol is expected to remain steady at about 40 percent. A chart appears in ERS’s December 2012 Feed Outlook report.
Respite for Rural Family Caregivers: Overcoming the Challenges - Discusses care recipients and their caregivers who live in rural and frontier areas. Offers suggestions to assist family caregivers, respite providers and administrators, and Lifespan Respite grantees in finding or developing respite resources. Organization: ARCH National Respite Network and Resource Center
Date: 10 / 2012
Taking Stock: Rural People, Poverty, and Housing in the 21st Century - Comprehensive assessment of rural poverty and housing in the United States using data from the 2010 Census and American Community Survey (ACS) to describe the social, economic, and housing characteristics of rural Americans. Organization: Housing Assistance Council. Date: 11 / 2012
5 Ways to Overcome Barriers to Youth Engagement - The reality today is that most positions of power are held by adults. So this is our challenge to you – adults with any kind of power: take youth engagement to the next level. We’ve compiled a list of five common challenges, along with possible solutions you can implement right away.
Community-Driven Solutions to Divisive Racial Issues - Leaders in Lynchburg, Va., looked for a new way to help residents grapple with issues of racism and racial equity in their increasingly diverse city. More than 2,000 people have taken part in dialogues, action forums, and other efforts to make change in their community.
HUD Launches Improved On-Line Tool to Facilitate Consultation with Indian Tribes about Federally Funded Development
Dec 7, 2012 -- The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) today unveiled a new and improved online data tool to help HUD, state and local planning agencies, and others more clearly identify federally recognized Indian tribes, Native Hawaiian organizations, and Alaska Natives so they can consult with them on development projects in places that have tribal historic, environmental and cultural significance.
Easter Seals Project ACTION (Accessible Community Transportation in Our Nation) - Provides training and technical assistance to members of the disability and transportation communities to help address accessibility issues. Site houses a clearinghouse of free publications with capabilities to search for those related to rural transportation. Organization: Easter Seals
WEBINAR: America's New Industrial Revolution: A Renaissance for US Chemical Manufacturing, January 17, 2013, 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM Dan Borne, LA Chemical Association. From the Penn State Extension Marcellus Education Team Webinar Series 2012/2013. Registration is not necessary, and all are welcome to participate by logging in to Contact - Carol Loveland
Phone 570-320-4429
WEBINAR: Overview of USDA Rural Development Loan Program, January 22, 2013 (Tuesday) 2:00 PM – Eastern Time. Mark Brodziski and John Broussard (USDA Rural Development)
Free webinar at The webinar will be presented for participants to become more familiar with the Business Programs of USDA Rural Development
Mark Brodziski is the Director of the Specialty Programs Division, Rural Business and Cooperative Programs, USDA. Mark administers loan and grant programs for the purposes of business and economic development in rural communities. His role also includes leading special projects such as expanding the utilization of Rural Business programs in low income communities. Mark previously served as the Program Director for Business and Community Programs in the WI Rural Development State Office for and has served with USDA since 1983.
John H. Broussard, Director, Business and Industry Division, USDA Rural Development. Since December 2011, John H. Broussard has been appointed as the Director, Business and Industry (B&I) Division within Rural Business-Cooperative Service (RBS) of USDA Rural Development in Washington, DC. As the B&I Division Director, Broussard directs nationwide rural development activities of the Business and Industry Guaranteed Loan Program of USDA Rural Development administering a portfolio in excess of $8.5 Billion. Prior to becoming Division Director, he served as the Program Director for Rural Business-Cooperative Service for the State of Louisiana and has been with USDA since 1983.
To join the webinar go to, “enter as a guest” is by default already chosen. Type your name into the text box provided, and click on “Enter Room”. You are now in the meeting room for the webinar. The webinar will be recorded and archived at
EDA Announces Application Package for FY2013 Economic Development Assistance Programs
On November 26, the U.S. Economic Development Administration (EDA) announced information about the FY2013 grant application process for the Public Works and Economic Adjustment Assistance programs. Application packages can be downloaded from The applications can either be submitted electronically or on paper to one of EDA’s regional offices. Detailed instructions on completing the funding application can be found in Section IV.B of the Funding Opportunity. The next three funding cycle deadlines are: March 13, 2013 for funding cycle 3 of FY 2013; June 13, 2013 for funding cycle 4 of FY 2013; and September 13, 2013 for funding cycle 1 of FY 2014. Click here to view the summary, full announcement, and application. An application for assistance from EDA’s other programs, which are governed by different funding opportunities are available on the agency’s website at
Funding Opportunities from HUD for Businesses Located in an Empowerment Zone (EZ) or Renewal Community (RC)
The Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) encourages businesses located in the 30 EZs and 40 RCs across the nation to take advantage of unused tax credits called the EZ Employment Credit and the RC Employment Credit. Worth up to $3,000 per EZ resident and up to $1,500 per RC resident, these credits are only available to businesses having worksites located in federally designated areas and that have hired employees residing in designated areas. Unused tax credits are also available to the EZ/RC business for employees who are no longer employed by that business provided the former employee has met the specific tenure requirements. The application of the tenure requirements means that the employment credits are available for both part-time and full-time employees as long as they have been employed by the employer for at least 90 days.
Even though the EZ/RC programs have expired, there is still an opportunity to take advantage of the unused EZ and RC Tax Credits, but there is a limited time for businesses to seize upon this opportunity. EZ/RC businesses can generate refund checks by amending their prior year tax returns. As of September 2012, an EZ and RC business has less than 6 months to amend its tax return for 2009. To learn more about this opportunity, read illustrative examples, and see contact information, click here for HUD’s full announcement.
Applications Open for 2013 Kinship Conservation Fellows - The goal of the annual program is to develop a community of leaders dedicated to collaborative approaches to environmental issues, with an emphasis on market-based principles.
New Music USA Invites Proposals for MetLife Creative Connections Program - Grants of up to $3,500 are available to support the participation of American composers in public activities related to performances of their original music.... Deadline: January 7, 2013
Center for Native American Youth Invites Teens to Submit Their Stories for Champions for Change Program -Native American youth between the ages of 14 and 24 are invited to submit their stories of leadership and service in tribal and urban Indian communities, schools, and programs.... Deadline: January 31, 2013
Tauck Family Foundation Calls for Proposals from Bridgeport Nonprofits Working to Develop Life Skills in School Children - The foundation will provide non-financial capacity building support to nonprofits working to help elementary school children from low-income families develop critical life skills.... Deadline: January 31, 2013
MacArthur Foundation Invites Affordable Housing Research Proposals - Funding of up to $1 million is available for research projects that expand the body of evidence with respect to the difference that living in decent, stable, and affordable housing makes in the lives of families, and communities.... Deadline: January 11, 2013 (Research abstracts)
ING Unsung Heroes Program Invites K-12 Educators to Apply for 2013 Class Project Awards - One hundred educators in the United States will be selected to receive awards of $2,000 or more to help fund innovative classroom projects.... Deadline: April 30, 2013
American Psychological Foundation Seeks Proposals for Pre-College Psychology Grant Program - Grants totaling up to $20,000 annually will be awarded for efforts aimed at improving the quality of education in psychological science and its application in secondary schools for high ability students.... Deadline: May 1, 2013
Paralyzed Veterans of America Education Foundation Invites Proposals for Innovative Educational Projects -Grants of up to $50,000 per year will be provided for educational projects that enhance the quality of life of individuals with spinal cord injury or disease....Deadline: February 1, 2013
Nominations Invited for Diller Teen Tikkun Olam Awards - Up to ten teenagers in the United States who self-identify as Jewish will receive awards of $36,000 in honor of their exceptional leadership and community service....Deadline: January 6, 2013
Echoing Green Fellowship Program - Application deadline: Jan 7, 2013. Echoing Green awards two year fellowships to emerging social innovators to help them launch organizations and build capacity.
AmeriCorps State and National Grants - Application deadline: Feb 6, 2013. Funding for programs that are designed to strengthen communities and solve local problems.
Foundation for Rural Service College Scholarship Program - Application deadline: Mar 1, 2013. Offers scholarships to students from rural America for their first year of college, university, or vocational-technical school.
Do Something Seed Grant - Application deadline: Applications accepted on an ongoing basis. Provides seed money to start community development programs or projects.
Suzette M. Agans
Rural Development | Community and Economic Development
U.S. Department of Agriculture
1400 Independence Ave., S.W. Stop 3254 | Washington, D.C. 20250
Phone: 202.401.1922
"Committed to the future of rural communities"
"Estamos dedicados al futuro de las comunidades rurales"
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