Friday, March 29, 2013

FW: Publications, Tools, Learning and Funding

From our colleagues at USDA-RD; lots of opportunities for housing and self-employment.


Also, I will be providing similar, webinar based training on Entrepreneurial Communities as the Penn State opportunity below. Here’s the details on my webinar series:


April 11, 2013

Entrepreneurial Communities, Part 1: What are they?


April 25, 2013

Building Entrepreneurial Communities, Part 2: How do you build it?


May 13, 2013

Youth Entrepreneurship: Building a Pipeline


June 6, 2013

Entrepreneurial Communities Series: Program Evaluation


(As an alum of Penn State, I am in no way trying to compete with them! J Pick the topics/dates from either series which best fit the needs of your community.) No registration is necessary; to participate, go to on the day of the event and click on the webinar title for the day.


From: Agans, Suzette - RD, Washington, DC []
Sent: Thursday, March 28, 2013 3:45 PM
Subject: Publications, Tools, Learning and Funding




Farms involved in rural development related activities vary by type of activity - While rural development efforts generally focus on the nonfarm economy in the United States, over the last 10 years, several USDA Rural Development programs have put increased emphasis on funding farm-related business activities associated with renewable energy, local/regional food industries, and the use of farm and ranch natural resources. Using data from the 2007 Agricultural Resource Management Survey, the characteristics of farms involved in organic farming, value-added agriculture, direct marketing, agritourism, and energy/electricity production are compared in this chart. Household wealth and income are important indicators of financial capacity, or the ability to make financial investments in farm activities. Average farm household net worth was highest for agritourism farms ($2.0 million) and lowest for direct marketing farms ($631,000). Total household income exhibited a different pattern and was highest for energy/electricity farms ($165,000 annually) and value-added farms ($90,000 annually), on average. The income generated by these rural development-related activities is considered part of farm income (which was highest, on average, for energy/electricity and organic farms, and negative for agritourism farms). A chart from the ERS report is available at Farm Activities Associated With Rural Development Initiatives, ERR-134, May 2012.


1 in 3 Counties Now Dying, with Rural and Exurban Areas Hit Hard; Immigrants Help Avert Losses - Mar 15, 2013 -- Washington Post, (DC) article reports that a record number of U.S. counties — more than 1 in 3 — are now dying off, hit by an aging population and weakened local economies that are spurring young adults to seek jobs and build families elsewhere. Nearly 46 percent of all rural (nonmetropolitan) counties had more deaths than births from July 1, 2011 to July 1, 2012.


Deaths and Births in Rural Counties - Uses a map and chart to show that 46% of rural counties had more deaths than births from July 1, 2011 to June 30, 2012.
Organization: Center for Rural Strategies.  Date: 03 / 2013


Returning Home from Iraq and Afghanistan: Assessment of Readjustment Needs of Veterans, Service Members, and Their Families
Presents the IOM’s comprehensive assessment of the physical, psychological, social, and economic effects of deployment on service members, veterans, their families, and their communities. Chapter 9 focuses on access and barriers to care, particularly in rural areas. Organization: Institute of Medicine. Date: 03 / 2013


The Department of Labor has announced the launch of the Business Center, a suite of online resources for employers looking to recruit, train and retain a skilled work force through

the department's CareerOneStop Web site. The site includes tips about how to recruit qualified candidates through local American Job

Centers and provides employment projections. Additionally, the site offers access to local  training and educational institutions, a catalog of occupational certifications and a tool to

help employers translate the military training and skills of returning service members  into specific civilian occupations. The CareerOneStop Business Center is available

online at


The States Leading the U.S. Manufacturing Resurgence -

Manufacturing is the backbone of America. It’s in our blood. Americans know how to build — it’s how we forged a nation, won two world wars, put men on the moon, and shaped the “new economy.” American workers are among the most productive in the world. With new advances in technology, lean manufacturing techniques, and best practices, American manufacturing is becoming cost-competitive with offshore locations, resulting in more companies bringing their operations back to the United States (or near-shoring to Mexico). According to the Institute of Supply Management (ISM), American manufacturing continues to improve. The ISM recently reported that manufacturing activity expanded in January 2013 for the second consecutive month and that the overall national economy grew for the 44th consecutive month. The Purchasing Managers Index (PMI) registered 53.1 percent, an increase of 2.9 percent from December’s value of 50.2 percent. All five PMI component indices registered above 50 percent in January — including employment, one of the most critical indicators.


Viva Dona Ana (NM) Takes its Show on the Road! - To make it as easy as possible for residents in Dona Ana County, NM, to weigh in on the county’s plan for the future, Viva Dona Ana launched a series of mobile workshops in places residents typically go.   Over two days the project team met with 250 residents in 10 locations – including grocery stores, restaurants, and flea markets! 





Self Employment Assistance Center

The Self-Employment Assistance Program (SEA) is designed to encourage and support unemployed workers in creating their own jobs by starting their own small businesses. (YE) is a large time-series establishment data set designed to be a practical tool for researchers, business and community leaders, and economic-growth professionals. It provides, detailed - yet quick and easy-to-access - information about businesses, agencies and organizations, and jobs at the national, state, MSA, and county levels. The site also gives policymakers and journalists the benefit of being able to look at regional economies and their business and industry activities in a new way.

Food Access Research Atlas - Provides access to downloadable county-level data and an interactive map presenting information on food access indicators for low-income and other subpopulations. Organization: USDA Economic Research Service


EPA Seeking Applicants for the National Smart Growth Achievement Award

EPA is seeking applicants for the 2013 National Award for Smart Growth Achievement. Through this award, EPA will recognize communities with outstanding projects in four categories:  (1) Built Projects; (2) Corridor and Neighborhood Revitalization; (3) Plazas, Parks, and Public Places; and (4) Policies, Programs, and Plans.  The 2013 application is due by April 12, 2013. 





WEBINAR: How to Recruit Young Adults, free webinar on April 23, 2013 at 12 pm -  

As rural communities age, leaders across the country are asking the same question--how can we attract young adults to our community? The Center has been working with communities to answer this question, and we have an upcoming opportunity for you to learn more.  Haley Hawthoorn and Jordyn Lechtenberg, two outstanding college students, are working with Craig Schroeder at the Center to help rural leaders more effectively recruit young adults. They will be conducting a free webinar on April 23, 2013 at 12 pm CST to share practical tips for involving young people in creating the future of rural communities. To register, click here.


Webinar: Riding the Rapids: Publicly Backed Accelerators in a Fast Flowing Market, Apr 04 • 2:00 Eastern

When does an accelerator make good policy sense? How is the field, largely dominated by private accelerators with an array of different and competing goals, changing for publicly backed accelerators? What does success look like for the public investment? Where is the model going in the future?

Jim Jen, Director of AlphaLab in Pittsburgh, PA and Allan Tear, Director of Betaspring in Providence, RI with RIAN Director Mark Skinner will hold an informal conversation on these questions.

Registration is free.  Click here to register


Webinar: Creating Entrepreneurial Communities is a three-part webinar series designed to provide economic and community development professionals, local leaders, business and industry representatives, small businesses, entrepreneurs, institutions and organizations with the background information, tools, considerations and best practices needed to create effective entrepreneurial communities. Participation in the series is FREE, but registration is required! Please register for any or all of the webinars of your choosing. Sponsored by Penn State Extension and Penn State’s Community and Economic Development (CEDEV) Graduate Program.

  • Session 1 - Introduction to Entrepreneurship, March 28, 2013 (12:00 - 1:00 p.m.)- What do we mean by an entrepreneurial community, what are the characteristics of an entrepreneurial community, what have learned about what makes them successful?
  • Session 2 - Creating an Entrepreneurial Community, April 25, 2013 (12:00 - 1:00 p.m.)- How does entrepreneurial development fit into broader community and economic development efforts, examples of success and approaches from around the country, how do you assess community readiness, how do you begin developing a strategy?
  • Session 3 - Making It Happen, May 23, 2013 (12:00 - 1:00 p.m.)- Who needs to be at the table, what engages them, how do you create a culture of entrepreneurship, what makes these efforts successful and sustainable in the long run, and how do you communicate about, evaluate and fund your efforts?



USDA ANNOUNCES THE AVAILABILITY OF GRANTS TO IMPROVE HEALTH CARE SERVICES IN THE DELTA REGION  - Washington, DC, Mar 26, 2013 --  Agriculture Undersecretary for Rural Development Dallas Tonsager today announced that USDA is accepting applications for funding to establish health care cooperatives and other health care projects to address needs in the Delta region. The United States Department of Agriculture remains focused on carrying out its mission, despite a time of significant budget uncertainty. Today’s announcement is one part of the Department’s efforts to strengthen the rural economy.

“Today I am announcing the availability of $3 million that will be competitively awarded under the Delta Health Care Services Grant Program,” Tonsager said. “This funding can help improve the health of rural residents who live in the Delta region by helping to provide enhanced healthcare to patients or care for those residents that currently lack access to quality services.”

The grants, which were authorized under the 2008 Farm Bill, are intended to help communities with up to 50,000 inhabitants to address unmet health needs. Eligible applicants include consortiums or groups of regional institutions of higher education, health and research institutes, and economic development entities located in the Delta Region, which comprises 252 counties and parishes of the states of Alabama, Arkansas, Illinois, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri, and Tennessee.

The minimum grant award is $50,000. Funds may be used to develop health care cooperatives, services, educational programs and job training programs. For more information about how to apply for these grants, please see page 18308 of the March 26, 2013 edition of the Federal Register or by clicking here Applications are due May 28, 2013.


Housing Counseling Training Program - Application deadline: Apr 19, 2013
Funds for training activities designed to improve the quality of counseling provided by housing counselors.


Self Help Homeownership Opportunity Program (SHOP) - Application deadline: Apr 24, 2013
Funding to be used to facilitate and encourage innovative homeownership opportunities.


Tribal Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Coalitions Program - Application deadline: Apr 25, 2013
Grants are available for the development and operation of tribal domestic violence and sexual assault coalitions in Indian country.


Resident Opportunity and Self-Sufficiency Service Coordinators Program - Application deadline: Apr 30, 2013
Grants for the salary and fringe benefits to hire a Service Coordinator to assist in the delivery and coordination of supportive services and other activities designed to help improve the living conditions of public and Indian housing residents who are elderly and/or disabled.


Small Rural School Achievement Program - Application deadline: May 31, 2013
Grants awarded to eligible local educational agencies (LEAs) to address the unique needs of small, rural school districts.


Fair Housing Initiatives Program (FHIP) - Application deadline: Jun 11, 2013
Grants to build capacity, conduct outreach, establish new fair housing enforcement organizations, and/or provide fair lending enforcement in underserved areas.


Planning Program and Local Technical Assistance Program - Application deadline: Applications accepted on an ongoing basis.
Provides grants to assist in the creation of regional economic development plans, designed to increase the economic development efforts of a community or region.


Public Service Loan Forgiveness Program - Application deadline: Applications accepted on an ongoing basis. Offers loan forgiveness to individuals working in public service jobs.


National Storytelling Network Seeks Applications for Brimstone Award for Applied Storytelling - Grants of $5,000 will be awarded in support of storytelling projects that are service-oriented, based in a community or local organization, and replicable in other places and situations.... Deadline: April 30, 2013


Johnson & Johnson Community Health Care Program Invites Applications From Evidence-Based Childhood Obesity Programs - Approximately eight grants of $200,000 will be awarded to community-based education programs that improve the knowledge and healthy lifestyle choices of children between the ages of 8 and 12.... Deadline: May 15, 2013


Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Seeks Proposals that Apply Behavioral Economics Principles to Healthcare Problems - Grants of up to $200,000 will be awarded for two-year projects that test innovative solutions to the challenge of reducing the use of low-value services in health care.... Deadline: April 17, 2013 (Proposal brief)


MVAT Foundation Invites Applications From Military and Veteran Support Organizations - Grants are awarded to military and veterans organizations that support or provide services designed to promote and enrich the lives of active and retired military and their families.... Deadline: May 31, 2013 and October 31, 2013


RedRover Seeks Applications From Emergency Shelter Organizations to Help Victims of Domestic Abuse and Their Pets -As many as eight grants of up to $3,000 will be awarded to emergency shelter organizations to support the creation of space to house the pets of victims of domestic violence.... Deadline: May 15, 2013 and October 30, 2013


NOAA Sea Grant Climate Adaptation Funding - The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) is funding Sea Grant programs with the goal of enhancing climate adaptation efforts in coastal communities. Communities should contact their regional Sea Grant Program for potential partnerships for such funding.  Applications are due April 19. See funding synopsis for more information.


Make it in America Federal Funding Opportunity - The Obama Administration announced this week a new funding opportunity to encourage businesses to bring production and jobs back to the U.S. Up to 15 awards will be made to accelerate job creation by encouraging re-shoring of productive activity by U.S. firms, encouraging U.S. companies to keep or expand job opportunities at home, and train local workers to meet business needs. Click here for more information on the Make it in American Challenge; applications are due by May 31, 2013.



Suzette M. Agans
Rural Development | Community and Economic Development
U.S. Department of Agriculture
1400 Independence Ave., S.W. Stop 3254 | Washington, D.C. 20250
Phone: 202.401.1922 | Fax 202.401.7311

"Committed to the future of rural communities"
"Estamos dedicados al futuro de las comunidades rurales"


This electronic message contains information generated by the USDA solely for the intended recipients. Any unauthorized interception of this message or the use or disclosure of the information it contains may violate the law and subject the violator to civil or criminal penalties. If you believe you have received this message in error, please notify the sender and delete the email immediately.

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

FW: Publications, Learning, and Funding

From our colleagues at USDA-RD; of special note, there are resources for Community Gardening, local foods and social media.


From: Agans, Suzette - RD, Washington, DC []
Sent: Friday, March 22, 2013 12:36 PM
Subject: Publications, Learning, and Funding




Community Gardening Resource - Are you working on a community garden project and need assistance? Check out the American Community Gardening Association's website.  


The States Leading the U.S. Manufacturing Resurgence - Exhibiting know-how and innovation, U.S. manufacturers are adding to their payrolls and economic growth across the nation. We have identified 19 states where manufacturing is leading the way... Read More.   By: Mark Crawford/Area Development Magazine

Beginning farmers are less likely to inherit or purchase land from a relative than are established farmers - Beginning farms (those with an operator with 10 or fewer years of experience) made up 21 percent of all family farms in 2010, and since they are smaller, on average, than established farms, they accounted for 10 percent of the value of production on family farms. Beginning farmers often report that their biggest challenge getting started in farming is access to enough capital and farmland to operate at a size capable of earning a sufficient profit. Not surprisingly, beginning farm operator's households have lower farm and nonfarm net worth than established farm households. While most beginning farms include some operator-owned land, they are more likely than established farms to have only rented land. For U.S. farmers, in general, the most common way to have acquired "owned land" for their operation is to have purchased it from a nonrelative. But established farms of all size classes are more likely than beginning farms to have inherited or purchased their owned land from relatives. A chart is drawn and available from Beginning Farmers and Ranchers at a Glance.





eXtension Learning -- Thirty-five (or more) different learning events in March are listed at Learn ( for your own learning or for you to share with your audiences. By participating in an event you can extend your knowledge and keep more up-to-date on conversations in your areas of expertise and interest.


Webinar: Tech Tuesday: Pinning for Good – How Nonprofits Can Use Pinterest to Raise Money, Create Awareness and Do Good, 3/26/2013 - 3PM ET

Julia Campbell - J Campbell Social Marketing. To register:  In this free webinar you will learn how to use Pinterest to promote your cause, to gain a dedicated following and to raise more more.

Related Resources:


Webinars: Data Gets Grants, 3/27/2013 - 3PM ET

Mark Goldstein - Communication Mark.  To receive grant funding, it is necessary to submit a proposal that identifies and successfully documents a dire more.

To register:

Related Resources:


Webinar: Stronger Than Ever: Creating Green Jobs for Low-Income Individuals, March 28th at 2:00 pm to 3:30pm Eastern

Reserve your Webinar seat now at:    


Join us for a thought provoking conversation with nonprofit leaders that are creating meaningful employment for low income individuals.  This webinar is the first in series of webinars hosted by the Academy for Green MicroEnterprise Development and Access to Capital for Entrepreneurs (ACE), an award winning CDFI. 

Guest Speakers: 
Adrienne Farrar HouĂ«l is President and CEO of The Greater Bridgeport Community Enterprises, Inc., a nonprofit community development corporation that creates new green businesses and jobs to employ disadvantaged area residents. GBCE enterprises exemplify the "triple bottom line" of environmental sustainability, family economic self-sufficiency and neighborhood development.  GBCE, which has created two green nonprofit businesses, is creating a Green Business Hub that will provide the market research that identifies opportunities for new nonprofit green businesses. 

Terry McDonald is Executive Director of St. Vincent de Paul of Lane County OR.  His organization has created non-profit businesses to employ disadvantaged individuals and to provide revenues for the charitable goals of SVDP.  Many of these businesses are based on "waste stream diversion" activities such as recycling glass into decorative objects, mattress components, and freon and oil recycling, among many other things.


This webinar is sponsored by the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) Program for Investment in Microentrepreneurs Program. After registering you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the Webinar.


WEBINAR:  Poverty & Other Socioeconomic Distress in the North Central Region: Assessing Trends,  April 11, 2012 (Thursday) 3:00 PM – Eastern Time


The U.S. experienced a dramatic shift in the well-being of its communities and people over the last decade during the 2007-2009 Great Recession. The rise in poverty diverges from the prosperous 1990s when poverty rates fell nationally and particularly for rural Americans. This webinar addresses the new geography of poverty that has emerged in the last decade.  Using a series of maps, we document patterns of poverty and other distress across the U.S.  We take a detailed look at North Central Region, focusing on poverty, unemployment, and household income over time.  We highlight both points of distress as well as new points of prosperity in the region and provide a discussion of why some places have gained and others lost during the last decade.


About the Speakers:

Linda Lobao is Professor of Rural Sociology, Sociology, and Geography at the Ohio State University. She is a past-President of the Rural Sociological Society and a Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science. She has published three books, the most recent, The Sociology of Spatial Inequality, an edited volume with (Gregory Hooks and Ann Tickamyer) and over 70 journal articles and book chapters. She is a current co-editor of the journal, Cambridge Journal of Regions, Economy, and Society. Her research has been funded by the U.S. National Science Foundation, the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Annie E. Casey Foundation, Appalachian Regional Commission, and other sources. Her research interests center on poverty and other inequalities across localities and on the role of government in alleviating poverty.

Mark Partridge is the Swank Chair of Rural-Urban Policy at Ohio State University. He is an Affiliate for the Martin Prosperity Institute, University of Toronto, Faculty Research Affiliate, University of Alberta and adjunct professor at the University of Saskatchewan. Professor Partridge is co-editor of the Journal of Regional Science and is the co-editor of new the Springer Briefs in Regional Science. He has published over 100 scholarly papers and coauthored the book The Geography of American Poverty: Is there a Role for Place-Based Policy? Professor Partridge has received research funding from many sources including the Appalachian Regional Commission, Brookings Institution, European Commission, Infrastructure Canada, Lincoln Institute of Land Policy, U.S. National Science Foundation, U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, and Social Science and Humanities Research Council of Canada. His research includes investigating rural-urban interdependence and regional growth and policy. Dr. Partridge served as President and is a Fellow of the Southern Regional Science Association.

Richard Goe is Professor of Sociology and Coordinator of the Sociology Program at Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS. His published research has appeared in Social Forces, Rural Sociology, Urban Affairs Review and Regional Studies, among other journals. He has served as an Associate Editor of the journals Rural Sociology and Sociological Inquiry. His research has been funded by the U.S. National Science Foundation, the U.S. Department of Agriculture National Research Initiative, and The U.S. Department of Energy, among other sources.  His research focuses on development issues facing rural and urban communities and regions.

Michael Betz is a post-doctoral research fellow at the Ohio State University in the Agricultural, Environmental, and Development Economics Department.  Dr. Betz has published in peer reviewed academic journals such as Growth and Change, International Regional Science Review, and American Journal of Agricultural Economics. His research focuses on the dynamic relationship between rural and urban areas, regional and urban growth, and migration patterns in the United States.


Registration: There is no registration and no fee for attending this webinar.

To join the webinar go to, "enter as a guest" is by default already chosen. Type your name into the text box provided, and click on "Enter Room". You are now in the meeting room for the webinar. The webinar will be recorded and archived at


MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) through Coursera beginning in May titled "Sustainability of Food Systems: A Global Life Cycle Perspective."  Over 4,500 students from around the world are already enrolled.  It's completely free and open to anyone.  Our University doesn't make any money on it -- it's just meant to educate.  This course explores the diversity of the foods we eat, the ways in which we grow, process, distribute, and prepare them, and the impacts they have upon our environment, health, and society. We will also examine the challenges and opportunities of creating a more sustainable global food system in the future.  Taught by Jason Hill, University of MN

Here's the link: Starts May 2013





South Arts Invites Applications for Literary Arts Touring Program
Grants of up to $2,500 will support programs that engage writers from outside the applicant's state to give readings and conduct educational workshops or similar events.... Deadline: May 1, 2013


University of Rhode Island Seeks Proposals for 2013 Visual Arts Sea Grant Program - Grants of up to $3,000 will be awarded to professional visual artists in New England for projects that illustrate themes related to the ocean environment and coastal communities.... Deadline: May 21, 2013


Active Schools Acceleration Project Invites Applications From K-12 Schools - The ASAP Acceleration Grant program will provide $1,000 in seed money to elementary schools nationwide to implement one of three signature ASAP physical activity programs.... Deadline: April 22, 2013


World Hunger Leadership Challenge Accepting Student Entries for World Hunger Service Learning Projects - More than 435 teams comprised of students between the ages of 13 and 18 will be awarded cash prizes for service learning projects that raise awareness of world hunger.... Deadline: April 19, 2013


Caplow Children's Prize Invites Proposals for Best Plan to Save Children's Lives
Individuals, nonprofits, government agencies, and for-profit companies are eligible to receive $1 million to directly execute interventions with a high likelihood of success for children from birth to age 5.... Deadline: May 1, 2013 (Pre-registration)


Ray C. Anderson Foundation Invites Letters of Inquiry for Environmental Grants Program - Grants of between $2,000 and $25,000 will be awarded to nonprofits conducting environmental, economic, and social sustainability initiatives in the United States....Deadline: Open (Letters of Inquiry)


Appalachian Health Career Scholarships

The Community and Economic Development Initiative of Kentucky (CEDIK) at the University of Kentucky is administering scholarships where funding has been provided by the New York Community Trust, to Appalachian students seeking education in health or a health‐related field. Because of the shortage of health care providers in the Appalachian region, along with the expected retirement of many physicians and an aging population that demands more health care, the need to educate and then retain young health care professionals is a real priority. Scholarships are allocated for full‐time students with a maximum award of $2,500 per semester. Part‐time students are eligible to apply for partial scholarships.
Students must be from an ARC defined Appalachian county to be eligible.  The 2013-2014 academic year scholarship application is now available. All materials need to be postmarked by 5/31/13.  Please, no calls or emails on the status of your application.  All applicants will be notified by mail once scholarships are awarded.

Suzette M. Agans
Rural Development | Community and Economic Development
U.S. Department of Agriculture
1400 Independence Ave., S.W. Stop 3254 | Washington, D.C. 20250
Phone: 202.401.1922 | Fax 202.401.7311

"Committed to the future of rural communities"
"Estamos dedicados al futuro de las comunidades rurales"


This electronic message contains information generated by the USDA solely for the intended recipients. Any unauthorized interception of this message or the use or disclosure of the information it contains may violate the law and subject the violator to civil or criminal penalties. If you believe you have received this message in error, please notify the sender and delete the email immediately.

Monday, March 18, 2013

Entrepreneurial Communities Webinar Series

Several have asked for the times and access information for the Entrepreneurial Communities webinar series to be offered in April, May and June; here's the details:

Cost: FREE!

April 11 @ 10 am – What is an entrepreneurial community?
April 25 @ 10 am – How does one become an entrepreneurial community?
May 13 @ 1:30 pm – Youth entrepreneurship: Building a pipeline
June 6 @ 10 am – Entrepreneurial communities: program evaluation

All webinars can be accessed via:; no pre-registration is required, so feel free to invite others in your community to participate as they have interest!

Friday, March 15, 2013

FW: Publications, Tools, Learning and Funding

Resources from our friends at USDA-Rural Development


From: Agans, Suzette - RD, Washington, DC []
Sent: Friday, March 15, 2013 7:58 AM
Subject: Publications, Tools, Learning and Funding


INPUT SOUGHT by April 26  changes to 2 SBA programs:


The Small Business Administration has determined that changing conditions in the American economy and persistent high levels of unemployment compel the agency to seek ways to improve access to its two flagship business lending programs: the 504 Loan Program and the 7(a) Loan Program.


The purpose of SBA's proposed rulemaking announced today is to reinvigorate these programs as vital tools for creating and preserving American jobs. SBA proposes to strip away regulatory restrictions that detract from the 504 Loan Program's core job creation mission as well as the 7(a) Loan Program's positive job creation impact on the American economy. The 504 Loan Program and 7(a) Loan Program are SBA's two primary business loan programs authorized under the Small Business Investment Act of 1958 and the Small Business Act, respectively.


This proposed rule will enhance job creation through increasing eligibility for loans under SBA's business loan programs, including its Microloan Program, and by modifying certain program participant requirements applicable to the 504 Loan Program. In addition, SBA proposes to revise Certified Development Company (CDC)operational requirements to clarify certain existing regulations.


SBA must receive comments to this proposed rule on or before April 26, 2013.  The February 25, 2012 FEDERAL REGISTER contains the proposed rulemaking and instructions for submission of comments.





Limited Access: Rural Communities Struggle to Find Internet Providers - Feb 27, 2013 -- Associated Press article via The Washington Post, (DC), tells why finding reliable and affordable Internet can be a headache in rural areas.


How Much Can a Rural Doctor Do? Ask Neil Nelson, MD  - Feb 25, 2013 -- American Medical News article interviews Neil Nelson, MD, from Gibson City, Ill. about what it takes to be Country Doctor of the Year.


Imports account for large shares of U.S. consumption of some fruits - While the United States is one of the largest world producers of fruits and nuts, imports accounted for about 38 percent of the volume of U.S. consumption of fresh, processed, and frozen fruits and tree nuts in 2011. Imports account for important shares of U.S. consumption when products—primarily tropical products—cannot be produced in sufficient quantities domestically, or when imports can complement the seasonality of U.S. production. Bananas, pineapples, mangoes, and limes are examples of major tropical product imports, while grapes, plums, and blueberries are examples of important seasonal imports. Still other imports, such as clementines and raspberries, compete directly with U.S. products. Over the past decade, U.S. edible fruit and nut imports rose dramatically in value due to the growing demand for offseason fruit, an expanding ethnic population, and the interest of consumers in sampling new temperate and tropical fruits. Mexico and Chile dominate U.S. fruit imports, with a combined share of about 40 percent of the U.S. import value in 2011. A chart is updated from one that appears in Fruit and Tree Nut Outlook, December 2012.


Rural Development and Cooperative Programs released a new report – The Role of Food Hubs in Local Food Marketing (Service Report 73).  Here is a link to the press release issued by the Deputy Secretary’s office:  To view the full report, go to:


To learn even more about food hubs or other AMS local food marketing work, visit their Web site at:


Study shows consumers willing to pay more for local food -


Project for Public Spaces study indicates information and outreach bigger barrier than price at farmers markets

Foreign-born populations are a growing presence in many rural areas - The foreign-born population of the United States has increased rapidly since 1970, primarily due to immigration from Latin America and Asia. By 2010, about 40 million people of foreign birth lived in the United States, accounting for 13 percent of the population. New immigrants have historically settled in urban areas, and that continues to be true today. Nonetheless, during 2007-11, an average of 2.1 million foreign-born people lived either in nonmetro counties or in metro counties with economies that are heavily dependent on agriculture. Although the foreign-born population in such counties accounted for a smaller percentage of the total population (4.1 percent) than in the Nation as a whole, some of these counties have large foreign-born populations. Not surprisingly, many counties along the U.S.-Mexico border and in southern Florida have above-average concentrations of foreign born, but so do places like Clark County, Idaho (31 percent); Seward County, Kansas (31 percent); Echols County, Georgia (26 percent); and Franklin County, Washington (26 percent). A map is found in Immigration and the Rural Workforce, on the ERS website, updated February 2013.


Hospitals Building Healthier Communities. Authored by research associate David Zuckerman, the report examines how hospitals strengthen local communities through engagement and economic development, as they embrace an anchor mission.


Food manufacturing accounts for 14 percent of all U.S. manufacturing employees  - In 2011, the U.S. food and beverage manufacturing sector employed about 1.5 million people, or about 14 percent of all U.S. manufacturing employees, and just over 1 percent of all U.S. nonfarm employment. In almost 30,000 food manufacturing plants (as of 2007) located throughout the country, these 1.5 million workers were engaged in transforming raw agricultural materials into products for intermediate or final consumption. Some products become ingredients for other food products, such as syrup used to make soft drinks. Meat and poultry plants employed the largest percentage of food and beverage manufacturing workers (32 percent), followed by bakeries (17 percent), and fruit and vegetable processing plants (11 percent). This chart appears in the Processing & Marketing topic page on the ERS website, updated February 2013.






Benefits of EHRs for Critical Access Hospitals and Other Small Rural Hospitals
Offers resources on the adoption and implementation of electronic health records for small and critical access hospitals. Also has resources on hospital leadership, funding for health IT, health IT workforce and broadband connectivity. Organization: Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology (ONC)


Regional Food Hub Resource Guide -





NCBA Webinars:  Register for any of these here:



·         Board Member Engagement: Assessments and Succession Planning, Wednesday, April 10, 2013 • 2 - 3 pm, Eastern
Learn two critical issues needed for board success in cooperatives: tools for assessment and succession planning.



·         How to Engage Media about the Cooperative Advantage, Tuesday, April 30, 2013 • 2 - 3 pm, Eastern
Cooperatives have a good story to tell, and there are ways to engage the media to share the business model’s advantage with the public.


WEBINAR:  Regional Food Systems -- If you are working in regional food systems, think about registering for the March WCRL webinar - Thursday, March 28, 1-2 pm ET. Carol Kline will share her research on the sustainable farm to food value chain in North Carolina. Participate and contribute to the discussion! Click here to register. Please share the link with your networks!


WEBINAR: Local Government Finance in a Turbulent Economy 2013, Tuesday, March 26, 2013, 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM (Eastern Time)

Local Government budgets will be affected by several economic forces that are beyond the control of local officials. The rate of the national and state economic recovery, the condition of the housing market, and international economic events will all affect both the revenues and the expenses of local governments. More importantly, the duration of the financial stress now facing local governments will be determined, in part, by the duration of these events.

Fiscal Sustainability Webinar: Local Government Finance in a Turbulent Economy - Economic Outlook for 2013 Dr. David Schweikhardt
Registration is required for the webinar; to register go to

Contact Information: If you have any questions regarding the webinar series contact Mary Schulz





Food Assistance and Nutrition Challenges of Rural Residents and Communities (Application due April 15)

As in past years, the SRDC RIDGE Center is seeking to invest in innovative social sciences-based research that explores the dimensions of the food and nutrition assistance challenges impacting residents (or communities) in rural America, including key populations such as Native Americans, immigrants, other racial/ethnic minorities, single parents, youth, the persistently poor, and others. For more information on this year's research priorities and details of the application process, please check out the document  Download RFP


NURSE Corps Scholarship Program - Application deadline: May 2, 2013.  Provides scholarships to nursing students in exchange for a two-year, full-time service commitment (or part-time equivalent), at an eligible health care facility with a critical shortage of nurses.


Innovative Approaches to Improve Community Health - Application deadline: Applications accepted on an ongoing basis. Supports promising new practices that serve vulnerable populations by advancing prevention, improving access, and integrating primary community and clinical care.


Rural Transit Assistance Programs (RTAP) - Application deadline: Applications accepted on an ongoing basis. Funding for training, technical assistance, and other support services for rural transit operators.


USDA Community Facilities Loan and Grant Program - Application deadline: Applications accepted on an ongoing basis.
Funding to construct, enlarge, or improve essential community facilities for health care, public safety, and public services in rural areas.


Leadership & Sustainability Institute Seeks Nominations for 2013-2014 Black Male Achievement Social Innovation Accelerator - Programs and organizations selected as BMA Social Innovators will receive $150,000 over a period of twelve months in support of their efforts to become national leaders in the field of black male achievement.... Deadline: April 5, 2013


Dog Fence DIY Invites Applications for Veterinary and Pre-Veterinary Academic Scholarships
Scholarships will provide $2,000, distributed in increments of $500 per semester, to qualified applicants enrolled in a doctor of veterinary medicine program, an undergraduate biology or pre-veterinary studies program, or the equivalent.... Deadline: June 1, 2013


Harpo Foundation Invites Letters of Inquiry from Visual Arts and Nonprofit Arts Organizations - Grants of up to $10,000 will be awarded to visual artists whose work promises to advance and cross the boundaries of visual media and artistic disciplines.... Deadline: April 5, 2013 (Letters of Inquiry)


Langeloth Foundation Invites Health Organizations to Register for Physical and Emotional Healing Grants - Grants will be awarded to healthcare nonprofits working to promote healing from illness, accident, physical, social, or emotional trauma, as well as for projects designed to reduce recidivism among former offenders.... Deadline: April 8, 2013 (Registration)


Looking@Democrazy Competition Seeks Provocative Media Pieces that Address American Democracy - The competition offers a total of $100,000 in prizes to individuals who have developed creative ways to engage Americans in the democratic process and refocus the discussion of democracy in America.... Deadline: April 30, 2013 (Extended)


Mutual of America Foundation Accepting Applications for 2013 Community Partnership Awards - Ten public-private partnerships will receive awards, including a top prize of $25,000, in recognition of an outstanding contribution to society.... Deadline: April 1, 2013


Positive Exposures Invites Applications from Nonprofit Organizations to Create Compelling Media Campaigns - Positive Exposures works with nonprofit organizations to create compelling media projects that help them expand their reach, educate the public, and increase their funding.... Deadline: April 30, 2013


FY 2013 Economic Development Assistance Programs Modification 2 -

Technical assistance is one of the allowable activities.



Suzette M. Agans
Rural Development | Community and Economic Development
U.S. Department of Agriculture
1400 Independence Ave., S.W. Stop 3254 | Washington, D.C. 20250
Phone: 202.401.1922 | Fax 202.401.7311

"Committed to the future of rural communities"
"Estamos dedicados al futuro de las comunidades rurales"


This electronic message contains information generated by the USDA solely for the intended recipients. Any unauthorized interception of this message or the use or disclosure of the information it contains may violate the law and subject the violator to civil or criminal penalties. If you believe you have received this message in error, please notify the sender and delete the email immediately.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

FW: Publications, Tools, Funding And Notice to Tribal Leaders

From our colleagues at USDA-RD; of particular interest are the housing resources and funding for Individual Development Accounts!


From: Agans, Suzette - RD, Washington, DC []
Sent: Monday, March 11, 2013 8:04 AM
Subject: Publications, Tools, Funding And Notice to Tribal Leaders




HUD has published a guide to combining the HOME and the Low-Income Housing Tax Credit Guidebook. The book addresses compliance with the requirements of both programs. Get a free copy here.


State Fact Sheets - The ERS State Fact Sheets provide information on population, income, poverty, food security, education, employment, federal funds, organic agriculture, farm characteristics, farm financial indicators, top commodities, and exports, for each State in the United States. The State Fact Sheets have been updated with 2007-11 education levels from the American Community Survey; 2011 poverty rates; and 2011 per capita income, earning per job, and number of jobs. Links to county-level data are included when available.




Immigrant Worker Owned Cooperatives: A User's Manual provides information to immigrant communities about how to create, finance, manage and grow worker cooperatives. Written by Minsun Ji of El Centro Humanitario and Tony Robinson of the University of Colorado, Denver, the manual gets into the nitty-gritty of organizing and managing a cooperative. Click here to get a copy.  


The Housing Assistance Council (HAC) has published a Native American homelessness toolkit that highlights steps, tools and methods that can be used by American Indian, Alaska Native and Hawaiian Home Lands communities to obtain accurate counts of homelessness. Get a copy here.  


Shelterforce highlighted community-driven art projects in a recent article and says they are helping to define and reshape neighborhood spaces in Philadelphia. Groups across the city are increasingly using art to create and animate neighborhood spaces that reflect shared community values, aspirations and identity. And, in many cases, art can be a lasting community organizing tool. Read the article here.


The Office of the Comptroller of the Currency has published a report on how banks can participate in Healthy Food initiatives. The report describes how national banks and federal savings associations are helping to finance projects that bring fresh produce and healthy food choices to underserved, low-income neighborhoods. Read more here.  


The Kansas City Federal Reserve Bank has published a “Nonprofit Executive Succession-Planning Toolkit”. The toolkit is free and is designed for nonprofit boards of directors and executive leaders to effectively implement succession planning and overcome barriers. To get the toolkit, click here.





THE HOME DEPOT COMMUNITY IMPACTS GRANT PROGRAM is offering grants to nonprofit organizations, public schools and public service agencies in the U.S. that are using the power of volunteers to improve the physical health of their communities. Priority is given to projects for veterans that include housing repairs, modifications and weatherization work. Grants of up to $5,000 are made in the form of The Home Depot gift cards for the purchase of tools, materials or services. Applications will be accepted from 2/1/13 through 8/13/13. Visit the Home Depot website here to submit an online application.


METLIFE FOUNDATION AND THE LOCAL INITIATIVES SUPPORT CORPORATION (LISC) are partnering to recognize, sustain and share the work of innovative partnerships between community groups and police to promote neighborhood safety and revitalization. Through this awards program, MetLife Foundation and LISC will identify and honor partnerships that exhibit tangible accomplishments in their efforts to advance the process, outcome and/or evaluation of potent police-community collaborations. Eligible applicants must be member organizations of partnerships that include, but need not be limited to, community organizations and police. Deadline: 3/17/2013. Click here for an application.


THE DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE is offering funding to nonprofit and public agencies to increase the availability of civil and criminal legal assistance necessary to provide effective aid to victims of domestic violence, dating violence, stalking or sexual assault. Deadline to apply: 3/19/2013. Click here for more information and to apply.

THE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES is offering grants through The Assets for Independence Demonstration Program that provides support for community-based organizations to offer Individual Development Accounts, financial education and related services to low-income individuals and families to help them accumulate savings and invest in appreciating assets such as a first home, small business or higher education or training. The application deadlines are 3/25/2013 and 5/24/2013. Click here to learn more.  


THE DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE is also offering grant funds to nonprofits, public agencies, states, Indian Tribes and local governments to enhance the safety of victims of sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence and stalking by supporting projects uniquely designed to address and prevent these crimes in rural jurisdictions. Deadline: 3/26/2013. Click here for an application.


THE eWOMENNETWORK FOUNDATION is accepting grant proposals from nonprofit organizations working to improve the emotional and financial well-being of women and children. The foundation awards individual grants of $6,000 to small entrepreneurial organizations working to address the health, wellness and/or safety of underprivileged women and/or children. Eligible organizations must have been in existence for more than three years and have an annual budget between $25,000 and $1 million. Deadline: 3/31/2013. Click here to visit the website and get an application.


LAND O'LAKES FOUNDATION is accepting applications for projects that benefit rural communities. Grants will be awarded to organizations working to address hunger, youth education, and arts and culture in rural communities. Deadlines for 2013: 4/1, 7/1 and 10/1. For more information and an application, click here.


THE DEPARTMENT OF LABOR is offering grants through the The National Farmworker Jobs Program that provide support for training, employment services, and related assistance to increase economic opportunities for migrant and seasonal farmworkers and their dependents. Deadline: 4/2/2013. Click here to apply.  


THE DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SERVICES Health Resources and Services Administration is offering grants to rural nonprofit and public agencies to support formal rural health networks that focus on activities relating to the recruitment, education, training and retention of Heathcare Information Technology specialists. Deadline: 4/15/2013. For guidelines and an application, click here.


THE US DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE is accepting proposals for the Farm to School program. This year, three different kinds of grants will be available. Planning grants are intended for schools just getting started on farm to school activities, while implementation grants are available for schools seeking to augment or expand existing efforts. Additionally, eligible nonprofit entities, Indian tribal organizations, state and local agencies, and agriculture producers or groups of producers may apply for support service grants to conduct trainings, create complementary curriculum or further develop supply chains, among other activities. Deadline: 4/24/2013. A series of webinars is planned to guide applications. Click here for more information.  


THE ADMINISTRATION FOR CHILDREN AND FAMILIES is offering grants to Indian Tribes to develop, and within 24 months of grant receipt, submit to the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) a plan to implement a title IV-E foster care, adoption assistance and, at Tribal option, guardianship assistance program. Deadline: 5/14/2013. Click here to learn more about this program.


American Kennel Club Humane Fund Invites Applications from Women's Shelters that Permit Pets
Grants of up to $1,000 will be awarded for essential operational support related to the housing of pets or capital improvements specifically for the housing and maintenance of pets.... Deadline: May 15, August 15, November 15, February 15, annually


Target Accepting Applications for K-12 Arts Education Programs - Grants will support programs that enhance the K-12 curricula by bringing the arts and cultural experiences into the classroom.... Deadline: April 30, annually


ESA Foundation Seeks Proposals for Youth-Oriented Tech/Computer Game Projects - Projects must benefit American youth between the ages of 7 and 18 and utilize technology and/or computer and video games for educational purposes.... Deadline: May 15, 2013


Kellogg Foundation Invites Applications for Programs that Engage Youth and Communities in Learning Opportunities
Grants will be awarded to organizations working to promote ideas about how to engage children and youth in learning and new ways to bring together community-based systems that promote learning.... Deadline: Open


Crayola Invites Proposals from Elementary Schools for 2013 Creative Leadership Grants - Grants of $2,500, plus Crayola supplies, will be awarded to elementary schools to build leadership teams that work to increase arts-infused education in and out of school.... Deadline: June 21, 2013


Cigna Foundation Invites Applications for Health Promotion Projects - The foundation provides funding to nonprofits working to promote wellness, expand opportunities, develop leaders, and strengthen community cohesiveness, particularly in communities where Cigna employees live and work....
Deadline: Open


Hitachi Foundation Seeks Applications for Young Entrepreneurs Program - Grants support young entrepreneurs whose businesses work to alleviate domestic poverty.... Deadline: March 28, 2013


Safeway Foundation Invites Applications From Nonprofit Organizations - Grants will support programs in the areas of hunger relief, education, health and human services, and/or assisting people with disabilities.... Deadline: Open


Gerber Foundation Seeks Proposals for Pediatric Research Projects
The foundation supports health and/or nutrition-related research projects designed to improve health, nutrition, and developmental outcomes for infants and young children....Deadline: June 1, 2013 (Concept Papers)


Fisher House Foundation Seeks Proposals for 2013 Newman's Own Awards to Support Service Members and Their Families
Grants of up to $25,000 will be awarded to recognize and support innovative programs that improve the quality of life of active duty, Reserve, and National Guard and their families.... Deadline: May 1, 2013




USDA Rural Development Tribal Pre-Consultation Briefing, Wednesday, March 20, 2012 - 3:00 PM EDT

Click here to Join the meeting.
Telephone conferencing
Toll-free: +1 (800) 981-3173
Toll: +1 (202) 720-7039
Participant code: 4248
First Time Users: To save time before the meeting, check your system to make sure it is ready to use Microsoft Office Live Meeting.
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1.      Copy this address and paste it into your web browser:

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Meeting ID: 483TWD
Entry Code: mckr?*J6k

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Dear Tribal Leader,


USDA Rural Development has scheduled its next quarterly Tribal Consultation Webinar/Teleconference for 3:00 PM EDT on Wednesday, April 17th.  In an effort to make sure Tribal communities and businesses have increasing access to capital, we will be focusing this cycle of Tribal Consultation on Rural Development’s business revolving loan programs.  We have made a few policy adjustments over the last year that we would like to draw to your attention. We also encourage additional insights from Tribal leaders on these changes and perhaps changes we have not yet contemplated. For example, these two Administrative Notices have been issued in the last six-months providing further program guidance to our staff:


·         Revolving Loan Fund Programs Ultimate Recipient  Conflict of Interest, September 16, 2012


·         Intermediary Relending Program Processing and Servicing Clarifications, December 3, 2012


In preparation for the Quarterly Tribal Consultation event, USDA Rural Development will host a pre-consultation briefing webinar/teleconference on Wednesday, March 20th at 3:00 PM EST to walk through the Intermediary Relending Program (IRP) and the Rural Business Enterprise Grant (RBEG) Program and associated policy enhancements.   Our goal is to provide Tribal leaders with briefing materials and ample time to work with Tribal staff to better inform the consultation and prepare to provide comments on April 17th.


Instructions for accessing the webinars are included below. If you’d like to join strictly by phone, both events can be accessed by dialing: 1-800-981-3173 and using the participant code: 4248.  Another email will be distributed by March 15th that will include a pre-consultation briefing document to help you further prepare. As materials are prepared and updated they will be posted at:


Please direct any questions or concerns to Tedd Buelow, USDA Rural Development’s Native American Coordinator, at 720-544-2911 or



USDA Rural Development Quarterly Tribal Consultation

Wednesday, April 17, 2013 - 3:00 PM EDT

Click here to Join the meeting.
Telephone conferencing
Use the information below to connect:
Toll-free: +1 (800) 981-3173
Toll: +1 (202) 720-7039
Participant code: 4248
First Time Users: To save time before the meeting, check your system to make sure it is ready to use Microsoft Office Live Meeting.
Unable to join the meeting? Follow these steps:

1.      Copy this address and paste it into your web browser:

2.      Copy and paste the required information:
Meeting ID: QW6HCD
Entry Code: Jqc9)@;Bw

If you still cannot enter the meeting, contact support



Suzette M. Agans
Rural Development | Community and Economic Development
U.S. Department of Agriculture
1400 Independence Ave., S.W. Stop 3254 | Washington, D.C. 20250
Phone: 202.401.1922 | Fax 202.401.7311

"Committed to the future of rural communities"
"Estamos dedicados al futuro de las comunidades rurales"


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