From our colleagues at USDA-RD. . .
From: Agans, Suzette - RD, Washington, DC []
Sent: Monday, August 17, 2015 11:09 AM
Subject: Publications, Tools, Learning and Funding
WIC households favor supercenters for their primary grocery shopping
Data from a new USDA-funded survey, National Household Food Acquisition and Purchase Survey (FoodAPS), show that households that participate in USDA’s Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) are more likely to use supercenters for their primary food shopping than non-WIC comparison households (non-participating households that contain either a pregnant woman or a child under the age of 5). Over half of WIC households (52 percent) used a supercenter for their main food shopping, compared with 45 percent of non-WIC comparison households with incomes below 185 percent of the poverty threshold and 41 percent of higher-income non-WIC comparison households. Because WIC households are larger and more likely to contain multiple young children compared with non-WIC comparison households, WIC households may be more enticed to shop at supercenters in order to purchase larger-sized products or take advantage of one-stop shopping. A chart appears in “Most U.S. Households Do Their Main Grocery Shopping at Supermarkets and Supercenters Regardless of Income” in the August 2015 issue of ERS’s Amber Waves magazine.
Number of U.S. farmers markets has nearly tripled over the last 15 years - A farmers’ market is a common area where several farmers gather on a recurring basis to sell fresh produce and other farm products directly to consumers. The number of farmers’ markets rose to 8,476 in 2014, up from 2,863 in 2000 and 1,755 in 1994, according to USDA’s Agricultural Marketing Service. Farmers’ markets tend to be concentrated in densely populated areas of the Northeast, Midwest, and West Coast. Generally, farmers’ markets feature items from local food systems, although depending on the definition of “local,” some vendors may come from outside the local region, and some local vendors may not sell locally produced products. The growing number of farmers’ markets could reflect increased demand for local and regional food products based on consumer perceptions of their freshness and quality, support for the local economy, environmental benefits, or other perceived attributes relative to food from traditional marketing channels. A chart can be found in the ERS report, Local Food Systems: Concepts, Impacts, and Issues, ERR-97, May 2010.
Racial Equity Tools
The recently re-launched Racial Equity Tools compiles resources and curricula for communities and organizations working to advance racial justice. The site features learning modules, films, and discussion guides designed to build understanding of how structural racism and other forms of inequity affect employment, food justice, and other human development issues. The site also includes concrete planning tools for practitioners to launch social media campaigns, create popular education and training strategies, evaluate progress, and advocate for policy and system change. Find Out More»
Entrepreneurial Accelerators.
Funding stakeholders often want to see you make real progress quickly with entrepreneurial development. To address this challenge, the Center for Rural Entrepreneurship field research, conducted over 15 years, has identified five accelerators that make a real difference: (1) targeting entrepreneurial talent, (2) deploying business coaching, (3) developing an area resource network, (4) partnering with high value "go to" resources that serve targeted talent, and (5) launching a youth entrepreneurship effort to energize your community. This is the kind of work that we walk you through in our e2 University online resource. Learn more about crafting your optimal entrepreneurship strategy with our Creating an Entrepreneurial Strategy guide.
Tools You Can Use... A key to NetWork Kansas' success is its preparatory work with communities. This month, the Center for Rural Entrepreneurship is sharing an e2 University resource - our guide on Energizing Your Community. This resource provides insights and tools that you can use to engage your community in support of entrepreneur-focused economic development.
Rural Hunger and Access to Healthy Food A nutritious diet is important for maintaining good health, but accessing fresh and affordable food can be a challenge for some rural residents. This RAC topic guide provides information on how to address food security issues in your community, including funding and assistance programs, model programs, strategies, and more. Thank you to Laura Griffin and Danielle Berman, USDA Food and Nutrition Service for their assistance in the review and development of this guide.
One Page Cost Benefit Analysis Tool, Thursday, August 20, 3:30 - 4:45pm ET (12:30 - 1:45 PT) - Free! Register Now
“Pencil it out” is shorthand for making good farm investment and purchasing decisions. This session provides a straightforward financial tool for making informed decisions and budgeting for the future.
Making decisions that make good financial sense is difficult. But difficult decisions become a whole lot easier when you have the right tool to walk you through the financial implications of your decision. This session simplifies the concepts of Partial Budget Analysis so that you can “use the parts you’re comfortable with.” The idea is to grow your financial skill set at a pace that makes sense for you, to provide a pathway to improve your abilities rather than terrorize you with details, ratios, and secret formulas intelligible only to accountants.
Join us to learn how this powerfully simple tool can help your business today... and trainers and technical assistance providers who work with farmers or other businesses, learn how you can add this to your toolbox you can provide to your students or clients. Reserve your spot - click here
NADO Research Foundation Co-sponsoring Upcoming Webinar Showcasing Planning Resources Available from Non-Profit Partners
The NADO Research Foundation is pleased to co-sponsor an upcoming webinar, Building Strong Communities: Resources and Assistance from Non-Profit Partner on September 2. The webinar will feature resources, technical assistance opportunities, and other programs available from Audubon International, Community Builders, Project for Public Spaces, and SCOTie to promote better planning, community engagement, and effective results in your communities and regions. Click here to register
TOM'S OF MAINE's 50 States for Good initiative supports grassroots organizations throughout the country working to do good in their communities. In 2015, the program will provide grants of $20,000 each to one grassroots nonprofit organization in every state and the District of Columbia. Any individual 18 years of age or older is eligible to nominate a nonprofit organization for consideration. Eligible organizations must be valid 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organizations in good standing that are community-based. (National organizations are not eligible.) Deadline for nominations: 8/26/2015. Visit the 50 States for Good website here to review the official rules and to submit a nomination via the website, Twitter, or Instagram.
Bush Foundation Accepting Applications for Native Nation Rebuilders Program - DEADLINE: August 27, 2015
The program will provide emerging or existing leaders in the twenty-three Native nations served by the foundation with access to ideas and information, peer networks, leadership training, and other resources....
HUD is offering grant funding to institutions of higher education, public housing authorities or Indian housing authorities, and nonprofit organizations to hire service coordinators to assess the needs of public and Indian housing residents and link them to supportive services that enable participants to increase earned income, reduce or eliminate the need for welfare assistance, and make progress toward achieving economic independence and housing self-sufficiency. Deadline: 8/31/2015. Click here to review application guidelines.
HUD is offering funding to national nonprofit organizations with ongoing experience in rural housing, including experience working with rural housing organizations, local governments, and Indian tribes, as evidenced by past and continuing work in one or more states in five or more of the federal regions through the Rural Capacity Building for Community Development and Affordable Housing Grants program. Deadline: 9/14/2015. This U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development program will provide funds to help communities develop the skills and technical capabilities necessary to undertake effective community development activities. For more information and to apply, click here.
Family Travel Forum Seeks Submissions for Teen Travel Writing Scholarships - DEADLINE: September 14, 2015
Scholarship grants of up to $1,000 will be awarded for blogs by teens that share their travel experiences in words and images....
NEA Invites Creative Placemaking Proposals for Our Town Grant Program - DEADLINE: September 21, 2015
Grants of up to $200,000 will be awarded for creative placemaking projects that contribute toward the livability of communities....
Nominations Invited for I Love My Librarian Award - DEADLINE: September 28, 2015
Up to ten winners will be selected to receive a $5,000 cash award, a plaque, and a $500 travel stipend to attend the awards reception in New York City....
Service Area Competition Funding for Health Center Program (Areas Served with a Project Period Start Date of March 1, 2016) - Application deadline: Sep 28, 2015
Funding to provide comprehensive primary health care services to an underserved area or population. Sponsor: Bureau of Primary Health Care
Substance Abuse Service Expansion - Application deadline: Sep 28, 2015
Supplemental funds to improve and expand substance abuse services at existing Health Centers, with a focus on Medication-assisted Treatment (MAT) in opioid use disorders. Sponsor: Bureau of Primary Health Care
Rural Broadband Access Loan and Loan Guarantee Program - Application deadline: Sep 30, 2015
This program furnishes loans and loan guarantees to provide funds for the construction, improvement, or acquisition of facilities and equipment needed to provide broadband service in eligible rural areas.
Sponsor: USDA Rural Development
Target Accepting Applications for K-12 Field Trip Grants Program - DEADLINE: September 30, 2015
More than 3,600 grants of up to $700 each will be awarded to fund visits to art, science, and cultural museums; community service or civic projects; career enrichment opportunities; and other events or activities for K-12 students in the United States....
THE BBVA COMPASS FOUNDATION is offering grant support to nonprofit organizations that are making a positive impact in the communities the bank serves in Alabama, Arizona, California, Colorado, Florida, New Mexico, New York, and Texas. The Foundation gives priority to requests that best reflect the following focus areas: community development/financial literacy, education, health and human services, arts and culture, environment and natural resources, and diversity and inclusion. Deadline: Online applications are due 9/30/2015. (Prior to submitting a grant request, organizations interested in applying are invited to join one of the Charitable Contributions Process Conference Calls/Webinar Presentations to be held on August 21 and September 11.) Visit the bank’s website here to learn more about the Foundation’s guidelines and application process.
Special Diabetes Program for Indians (SDPI) - Application deadline: Oct 7, 2015
Awards funding to Native American/Alaska Native tribes and tribal organizations to implement activities and services aimed at reducing the risk of diabetes, providing high quality care to those with diagnosed diabetes, and/or reducing the complications of diabetes. Sponsor: Indian Health Service
Ben & Jerry's Foundation Seeks Proposals for Social and Environmental Justice Projects - DEADLINE: October 15, 2015 (Pre-applications)
Grants of up to $20,000 will be awarded to nonprofit community-organizing groups in the United States working to further social and environmental justice and support sustainable and just-food systems....
THE INSTITUTE FOR RURAL AMERICA has issued a request for proposals for a $5,000 Leadership Training Grant. The competitive grant is awarded for creative and educationally focused proposals targeted at groups desiring to develop and foster leadership within their member base. Successful applications will clearly outline a leadership training plan. Proposals that include cooperators who can assist with project planning, evaluation, or information dissemination will be viewed favorably. Deadline: 10/15/2015. Click here to learn more about the program and to apply.
NCTM Accepting Applications for Pre-K-5 Teacher Development Grants - DEADLINE: November 6, 2015
Grants of up to $2,000 will be awarded for professional development plans aimed at improving teacher competency and student learning....
Mid Atlantic Arts Foundation Accepting Applications for USArtists International Grant Program - DEADLINE: Various
Grants of up to $15,000 are available to American dance, music, and theater ensembles that have been invited to perform at international festivals anywhere in the world outside the United States....
NCTM Accepting Applications for Classroom Research Grants for Teachers of Grades 7-12 - DEADLINE: November 6, 2015
Grants of up to $6,000 will be awarded to support and encourage classroom-based research in precollege mathematics education....
NCTM Accepting Applications From Music Projects to Teach Pre-K-2 Mathematics - DEADLINE: November 6, 2015
Grants of up to $3,000 will be awarded to individual classroom teachers or small groups of teachers collaborating on the single grade level or across grade levels....
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