Wednesday, August 30, 2017

FW: Census LUCA

Please see the information below regarding Census addresses and highest elected officials. Please share this with local and tribal elected officials to make sure that the contact information Census has related their office is correct; this is vital to ensuring that Oklahomans are accurately counted in the 2020 Census!




From: Jon Chiappe []
Sent: Wednesday, August 30, 2017 11:23 AM
Subject: Census LUCA




The Census Bureau has sent out letters to the highest elected officials (HEO) in each community, tribal area and state about the Local Update of Census Addresses (LUCA). 


The state of Oklahoma will be participating in LUCA and we will have a few reviewers that have access to the data.  However, it is always best when local areas sign up themselves and have the ability to access their local addresses.  I think having many eyes on the data is better when possible to ensure there are no gaps.   


If your local/regional area wants to ensure Census Bureau has the correct addresses, the deadline for your HEO to sign is in December, 2017.  If you want more information about LUCA, you can call me or find more detail:


A map of current LUCA participants can be found at:

So far, 4 counties in Oklahoma (Woods, Grady, Cleveland and Washington) have signed up and I hope to have the paperwork to Census soon so that Oklahoma is one of the first states ID’d on the map.  Again local knowledge and local participation is always best.








Jon Chiappe

Director, Research & Economic Analysis Services

Oklahoma Department of Commerce
900 N. Stiles Ave., Oklahoma City, OK 73104
405-815-5210 |


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